Download Application Form (English) Download Application Form (Sinhala) Please Fill the below fields if you are applying through online A. General Information Name of the applicant organization: Address (Head Office): Contact Number: Contact Email: Contact person of the Organization: Name: Designation: Contact Email: Contact Number: Alternate contact person's details Name: Designation: Contact Email: Contact Number: Number of Sites: List the sites if more than 1 (Please add rows as required) Legal State of Organization: Registration Number: Registered Authority: B. Information about Applicable location/s for certification (Please include the physical locations (subsidiaries, branches, sites, warehouses etc.) registered under the Applicant Organization which are to be included in the certification. If required, please attaché a separate sheet) Name & Address of Location/s/Site: Contact number/email if it’s different from Section A : 3,4: Total effective number of employees (employees involved within the scope of certification): Number of shifts and time 2. Is remote Audit of site/s/Locations from the office possible? C. Product/s / Service/s Information 1. Name all the products/services are produced by the organization: 2. State all process lines and the location/s: Process Line: Location: 3. Describe the scope for certification: State any of the products/services which has been outsourced: 5. State any of the products/services which are excluded from the scope of certification: 6. Total number of HACCP studies (as per ISO 22003:2013): 7. Please state the numbers of CCPs (For HACCP certification): D. Scheme and Type of Certification 1. Certification Scheme applied for: ISO 14001:2015ISO 22000:2018ISO 45001:2018ISO 9001: 2015ISO 50001:2018HACCP Codex AlimentariusHACCP SLS 1266GMP 2. System developed by: ExternalInternal Party a.If external party; name of the organization/consultant: 3. Type of certification: New CertificationRecertification a. If Re-certification: i. Date of first certification: ii. Validity period of previous certification: iii. Scope of previous certification: iv. Major changes are done in the management System during the previous year (if any): E. Documented Information Please submit copies of the following documents along with the filled Application ISO 22000:2018 Scope of the FSMS of the organization Food safety policy and objectives Prerequisite programs and HACCP related documents HACCP Codex Alimentarius/ HACCP SLS 1266 HACCP Plan/ Analysis Policies and Procedures in place ISO 9001: 2015 Scope of the organization and justification for any exclusion Documented information to support the operation of processes of the organization Quality Policy and Objectives Operational planning and control ISO 14001:2015 Scope of the Environmental Management System Environmental policy and objectives Operational planning and control Environmental guidelines that comply with the procedures Actions to risks and opportunities ISO 45001:2018 Scope of the OH&S Management System OH&S Policy & objectives Operational planning and control Assessment of OH&S risks & opportunities Operational planning & control Upload all the required files here: F. Legal Obligations Indicate the legal obligations to be abide by the applicant company: G. Declaration by the Applicant I am/We are fully informed and agree with the contents of the terms and conditions of Ceycert (Private) Limited ; Should any initial enquiry be made by the Certifying Authority, I/We agree to extend to the Certifying Authority all required facilities at my/our command and I/We agree to pay all costs involved prior to the grant of the Certificate I/We will not hold liable either Ceycert (Private) Limited or those having a function in its activities for damages resulting from the consideration of the application for certification, including the possible rejection. Signature: Name: Designation: For and on behalf of: [Name of the Applicant Organization] Signed at on this day of 20